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Historical VaR and exponential weighted 1-day 99%-VaR
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- EVaR vs. Historical 99% 1-day VaR
From the plot we see all the exponential weighted VaR exceptions are captured by historical method. There are five exceptions only captured by historical method. This makes sense as exponential weighted method places more weight on more recent movements, for a period with increasing volatility the VaR is larger than the result from historical method. On the other hand, exponential weighted method places less weight on the far-end volatile period.
95% Confidence Intervals of the Historical VaR and the Exponential Weighted VaR
Historical VaR
Parametric Method
We approximate the gain by normal distribution assumption with its sample mean and sample standard deviation.
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- 95% Confidence Interval of Historical VaR
Bootstrap Method
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- Bootstrap VaR 95% Confidence Interval
Exponential Weighted VaR
To bootstrap the 95% confidence interval of exponential weighted VaR, we use similar ways in bootstraping historical VaR. However, since the gains are weighted by time, we can assign probability of being sampled during the sampling stage.
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- Exponential Weighted VaR
Assess the Normality of the Gain Distribution
From the plot and test statistic of Shapiro-Wilk test, the gain does not follow a normal distribution as the p-value is almost zero. And its kurtosis is too high for normal distribution.
Geometric Density Plot
`Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: aa$gain W = 0.95533, p-value = 3.656e-11
Skewness: 0.08193283 Excess Kurtosis: 4.16565`
Normalize gains with estimated volatility
From the plot we see the distribution of normalized gain is more negatively-skewed than the unnormalized gain. And the Shapiro-Wilk test stats gives that the normalized gains are closer to normal distribution. And its excess kurtosis is much closer to zero.
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Geometric Density Plot
`Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: aa$norm_gain W = 0.9862, p-value = 0.0001652
Skewness: -0.3525669 Excess Kurtosis: 0.8193637`
Normalize gains with future volatility
From the plot we see the distribution of normalized gain is slightly positively-skewed but very close to zero skewness. And the Shapiro-Wilk test stats gives that the normalized gains are closer to normal distribution compared to the above two exmaples. And its excess kurtosis is even much closer to zero.
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Geometric Density Plot
`Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: aa$future_norm_gain W = 0.9951, p-value = 0.1348
Skewness: 0.07253502 Excess Kurtosis: -0.05601283`