Is OPTIMAL the optimized?
According to Markovitz’s portfolio selection process, there are two stages:
- Turn observation and experience into beliefs about the future performances of available securities
- Utilize relevant beliefs about future performances to contruct portfolio.
We shall focus on the second stage.
Optimization Problem
Under MV thoery, capital invested should be proportional to the expected return. However, it is doubtful how can we determine the expected return from information in the past? Even if it worked, there might be noise in the signal.
Therefore, taking estimation error into account, do not allocate your capital in proportion to past returns.
According to Stein’s work, Shrinkage is a better application since sample mean is an inadmissible estimator.
Model Setup
- God draws skill acrroding to \(\mathcal{N}(\overline{\mu}, \delta^2)\). Fund \(i\) has expected return \(\mu_i \sim \mathcal{N}(\overline{\mu}, \delta^2)\)
- Independently, Lady Luck draws \(T\) observations around expected value \(\mu_i\) with random error: \(x_{t,i} \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_i, T\omega^2)\)
Shrinkage Target
- Compute sample mean from \(T\) observations:
- Compute the grand mean from \(n\) sample means:
- Shrink every sample mean towards grand mean:
- Shrinkage Slope Range
- \(\beta = 1\): no shrinkage, use sample means
- \(\beta = 0\): full shrinkage, all means are equal (Global Minimum Variance Portfolio)
- Optimum: somewhere between 0 and 1
Estimate \(\beta\)
Lady Luck is independent from God (skill), therefore \(m_i -\mu_i \text{ is independent of } \mu_i - \bar{\mu}\)
Estimate \(\omega^2\)
Intuitively, dispersion in the time-series contains information about the amount of noise, thus
Estimate \(\delta^2\)
The cross-sectional disperson of expected returns is derived from
where \(\mathbb{E}[(m_i -\bar{\mu})^2] \text{ can be estimated by }\frac1n \sum_{i=1}^{n}{(m_i - \bar{m})^2}\)
therefore: \(\hat{\delta}^2 = \frac1n \sum_{i=1}^{n}{(m_i -\bar{m})^2} - \hat{\omega}^2\)
Estimate Shrinkage Slope \(\hat{\beta}\)
Shrinkage Estimator of the Covariance Matrix
Illustration by Simulated Examples
To understand shrinkage better, we shall test with simulated examples in MATLAB.
Generate cross-section of portfolio manager talent (expected return)
Suppose there are 500 portfolio managers and we estimate their performance over 5-year track record. Given that their average monthly return is 0.5%, with 2% volatility for monthly returns. And we assume 0.25% cross-sectional standard deviation of their true skills.
1 |
- Expected Return (only affected by managers’ skill)
Generate realized-monthly performance
In realword, the performance of the portfolio is not solely determined by the managers’ skill. Therefore, we shall embed volatility to monthly returns.
1 |
- Observed Monthly Realized Return
Then we estimate the average realized monthly returns for each manager.
1 |
- Average Realized Return
Based on these parameters, it is natural to see more some portfolio managers may result underwater and some beat benchmark with superior performance.
Regress Observed Average Return on True Expected Return
1 |
b1 = [0.0295 0.9976]'
- Historical Performance vs. True Skill
The near zero intercept and almost 1 slope mean the performance is very good reflection of true skill.
Reversely, Regress True Expected Return on Observed Return
1 |
b2 = [0.2411 4884]'
- True Skill vs. Historical Performance
Compare Fitted Slope with Theoretical One
We calculate the adjusted return as shrinked one from observed performance, that is, to eliminate the affect from omega
1 |
b3 = 0.4884
Beta = 0.4839
- Compared to Theoretical Slope
Estimate Noise Magnitude from Panel Data of Monthly Returns
1 |
omega = 2.0000, omegahat = 2.0003
Estimate Cross-sectional Dispersion of True Skill Levels
1 |
delta = 0.2500, deltahat = 0.2427
Compare Fitted Slope with Estimated Slope
1 |
b3 = 0.2975, Beta = 0.2941, betahat = 0.2713
- Estimated Slope