Writing markdown notes related to Finance topics requires massive use of mathematical formula. Instead of seeking around, I archieve all the useful notes.
Formatting Commands
Inline Formatting Commands
These format only a little bit of text at a time. Because they only affect a small amount of text, these commands are a single command that receives the text in curly braces ({ and }) afterwards. Some important examples we will use are below. To show what they do, the actual command is used on the text in curly braces.
- \textbf{}
- \textit{}
- \underline{}
\begin…\end Formatting Commands (Also Called Environments )
When a large amount of text is formatted at one time with a command, it is easier to not have to contain it within brackets. This is why some format- ting commands have two pairs of commands: \begin{format command} and \end{format command}. Think of them as the left and right curly braces of the in-line formatting commands. Anything between a \begin and \end with the same format command will be formatted.
Math Mode Codes
Greek Letters
\(\alpha\) \alpha | \(\theta\) \theta | \(\tau\) \tau | \(\beta\) \beta |
\(vartheta\) \vartheta | \(\pi\) \pi | \(\upsilon\) \upsilon | \(\gamma\) \gamma |
\(\varpi\) \varpi | \(\phi\) \phi | \(\delta\) \delta | \(\kappa\) \kappa |
\(\rho\) \rho | \(\varphi\) \varphi | \(\epsilon\) \epsilon | \(\lambda\) \lambda |
\(\varrho\) \varrho | \(\chi\) \chi | \(\varepsilon\) \varepsilon | \(\mu\) \mu |
\(\sigma\) \sigma | \(\psi\) \psi | \(\zeta\) \zeta | \(\nu\) \nu |
\(\varsigma\) \varsigma | \(\omega\) \omega | \(\eta\) \eta | \(\xi\) \xi |
\(\Gamma\) \Gamma | \(\Lambda\) \Lambda | \(\Sigma\) \Sigma | \(\Psi\) \Psi |
\(\Delta\) \Delta | \(\Xi\) \Xi | \(\Upsilon\) \Upsilon | \(\Omega\) \Omega |
\(\Theta\) \Theta | \(\Pi\) \Pi | \(\Phi\) \Phi |
Binary Operation Symbols
\(\pm\) \pm | \(\cap\) \cap | \(\diamond\) \diamond | \(\oplus\) \oplus |
\(\mp\) \mp | \(\cup\) \cup | \(\bigtriangleup\) \bigtriangleup | \(\ominus\) \ominus |
\(\times\) \times | \(\uplus\) \uplus | \(\bigtriangledown\) \bigtriangledown | \(\otimes\) \otimes |
\(\div\) \div | \(\sqcap\) \sqcap | \(\triangleleft\) \triangleleft | \(\oslash\) \oslash |
\(\ast\) \ast | \(\sqcup\) \sqcup | \(\triangleright\) \triangleright | \(\odot\) \odot |
\(\star\) \star | \(\vee\) \vee | \(\lhd\) \lhd | \(\bigcirc\) \bigcirc |
\(\circ\) \circ | \(\wedge\) \wedge | \(\rhd\) \rhd | \(\dagger\) \dagger |
\(\bullet\) \bullet | \(\setminus\) \setminus | \(\unlhd\) \unlhd | \(\ddagger\) \ddagger |
\(\cdot\) \cdot | \(\wr\) \wr | \(\unrhd\) \unrhd | \(\amalg\) \amalg |
Relation Symbols
\(\leq\) \leq | \(\geq\) \geq | \(\equiv\) \equiv | \(\models\) \models |
\(\prec\) \prec | \(\succ\) \succ | \(\sim\) \sim | \(\perp\) \perp |
\(\preceq\) \preceq | \(\succeq\) \succeq | \(\simeq\) \simeq | \(\mid\) \mid |
\(\ll\) \ll | \(\gg\) \gg | \(\asymp\) \asymp | \(\parallel\) \parallel |
\(\subset\) \subset | \(\supset\) \supset | \(\approx\) \approx | \(\bowtie\) \bowtie |
\(\subseteq\) \subseteq | \(\supseteq\) \supseteq | \(\cong\) \cong | \(\Join\) \Join |
\(\sqsubset\) \sqsubset | \(\sqsupseteq\) \sqsupseteq | \(\doteq\) \doteq | \(\frown\) \frown |
\(\in\) \in | \(\ni\) \ni | \(\propto\) \propto | \(\vdash\) \vdash |
\(\dashv\) \dashv | \(\) | \(\) | \(\) |
Punctuation Symbols
\(\colon\) \colon | \(\ldotp\) \ldotp | \(\cdotp\) \cdotp |
Arrow Symbols
\(\leftarrow\) \leftarrow | \(\longleftarrow\) \longleftarrow | \(\uparrow\) \uparrow |
\(\Leftarrow\) \Leftarrow | \(\Longleftarrow\) \Longleftarrow | \(\Uparrow\) \Uparrow |
\(\rightarrow\) \rightarrow | \(\longrightarrow\) \longrightarrow | \(\downarrow\) \downarrow |
\(\Rightarrow\) \Rightarrow | \(\Longrightarrow\) \Longrightarrow | \(\Downarrow\) \Downarrow |
\(\leftrightarrow\) \leftrightarrow | \(\longleftrightarrow\) \longleftrightarrow | \(\updownarrow\) \updownarrow |
\(\Leftrightarrow\) \Leftrightarrow | \(\Longleftrightarrow\) \Longleftrightarrow | \(\Updownarrow\) \Updownarrow |
\(\mapsto\) \mapsto | \(\longmapsto\) \longmapsto | \(\) |
\(\hookleftarrow\) \hookleftarrow | \(\hookrightarrow\) \hookrightarrow | \(\nearrow\) \nearrow |
\(\leftharpoonup\) \leftharpoonup | \(\rightharpoonup\) \rightharpoonup | \(\searrow\) \searrow |
\(\leftharpoondown\) \leftharpoondown | \(\rightharpoondown\) \rightharpoondown | \(\swarrow\) \swarrow |
\(\rightleftharpoons\) \rightleftharpoons | \(\leadsto\) \leadsto | \(\nwarrow\) \nwarrow |
Miscellaneous Symbols
\(\ldots\) \ldots | \(\cdots\) \cdots | \(\vdots\) \vdots | \(\ddots\) \ddots |
\(\aleph\) \aleph | \(\prime\) \prime | \(\forall\) \forall | \(\infty\) \infty |
\(\hbar\) \hbar | \(\emptyset\) \emptyset | \(\exists\) \exists | \(\Box\) \Box |
\(\imath\) \imath | \(\nabla\) \nabla | \(\neg\) \neg | \(\Diamond\) \Diamond |
\(\jmath\) \jmath | \(\surd\) \surd | \(\flat\) \flat | \(\triangle\) \triangle |
\(\ell\) \ell | \(\top\) \top | \(\natural\) \natural | \(\clubsuit\) \clubsuit |
\(\wp\) \wp | \(\bot\) \bot | \(\sharp\) \sharp | \(\diamondsuit\) \diamondsuit |
\(\Re\) \Re | \(|\) | | \(\backslash\) \backslash | \(\heartsuit\) \heartsuit |
\(\Im\) \Im | \(\angle\) \angle | \(\mho\) \mho | \(\spadesuit\) \spadesuit |
\(\) | \(\) | \(\) | \(\) |
\(\) | \(\) | \(\) | \(\) |
\(\) | \(\) | \(\) | \(\) |
\(\) | \(\) | \(\) | \(\) |
\(\) | \(\) | \(\) | \(\) |
\(\) | \(\) | \(\) | \(\) |
\(\) | \(\) | \(\) | \(\) |
- \leq is \(\leq\)
- \geq is \(\geq\)
- \neq is \(\neq\)
- (Greek letter)
- \Omega is \(\Omega\)
- \sigma is \(\sigma\)
- \phi is \(\phi\)
- \varphi is \(\varphi\)
- \in is \(\in\)
- \subset is \(\subset\)
- \subseteq is \(\subseteq\)
- \cup is \(\cup\)
- \cap is \(\cap\)
- \vee is \(\vee\)
- \wedge is \(\wedge\)
- \neg is \(\neg\)
- \ldots is \(\ldots\)
- \cdots is \(\cdots\)
- \cdot is \(\cdot\)
Input | Display | Input | Display |
\leq | \(\leq\) | - \geq | \(\geq\) |
- \neq | \(\neq\) | \Omega | \(\Omega\) |
\sigma | \(\sigma\) | \phi | \(\phi\) |
\varphi | \(\varphi\) | \in | \(\in\) |
\subset | \(\subset\) | \subseteq | \(\subseteq\) |
\cup | \(\cup\) | \cap | \(\cap\) |
\vee | \(\vee\) | \wedge | \(\wedge\) |
\neg | \(\neg\) | \ldots | \(\ldots\) |
\cdots | \(\cdots\) | \cdot | \(\cdot\) |
\infty | \(\infty\) | \sum | \(\sum\) |
\prod | \(\prod\) | \int | \(\int\) |
\partial | \(\partial\) | \mid | \(\mid\) |
\leftarrow | \(\leftarrow\) | \Leftarrow | \(\Leftarrow\) |
\; | add extra space | x^2 | \(x^2\) |
x_i | \(x_i\) | \frac{m}{n} | \(\frac{m}{n}\) |